Dr. Lizz Schuyler

Year Started at Paul Smith’s: 2022
Department: Natural Science


I feel that as wildlife biologists, we play a vital role in understanding how drivers of change influence wildlife populations to ensure well informed conservation and management decisions are made. Therefore, the focus of my research has been to understand how disturbances and land-use changes influence habitat use and population dynamics of landscape species. I am equally passionate about inspiring the next generation of scientists to discover the intricacies of the natural world while also providing a depth and breadth of knowledge needed to tackle future environmental challenges.

My enthusiasm for the great outdoors began as a child growing up in the Adirondack Mountains. I received a B.S. in Wildlife Science from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in 2009. After graduating, I enjoyed years working as a field technician on studies that included a wide array of taxa all over the country such as American marten, Greater sage-grouse, black-tailed deer, and mesocarnivores. I earned an M.S. (2015) and Ph.D. (2020) in Wildlife Science from Oregon State University. The broad focus of my thesis and dissertation was to determine how land-use changes and climate influenced mule deer habitat and population dynamics in Oregon. My post-doctoral research examined the effects of a large-scale wildfire on a population Greater sage-grouse in the Trout Creeks Mountains in Oregon and Nevada.

Interests and Activities

Wildlife Ecology and Management; Invasive Species Management; Conservation and Restoration; Disturbance; Disease Ecology, Trophic Cascades; Active The Wildlife Society and Women in Science member


Academic Background

2020  Ph.D. Oregon State University, Wildlife Science
2015  M.S.  Oregon State University, Wildlife Science
2009  B.S. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Wildlife Science

Courses Taught

BIO 366 Herpetology
FWS 320 Techniques in Wildlife Management

Selected Publications and Presentations

Schuyler, E.M., Ellsworth, L.M., Sanchez, D.M., Whittaker, D.G. (in review). Habitat use of a landscape species is impacted by anthropogenic and ecological drivers. Plos ONE.
Schuyler, E.M., Ellsworth, L.M., Sanchez, D.M., Whittaker, D.G. (in review). Long-term post-fire vegetation response influences mule deer survival. The Journal of Wildlife Management.
Schuyler, E. M., C. A. Hagen, C. R. Anthony, L. J. Foster, and K. M. Dugger. 2022.  Temporal mismatch in space use by sagebrush obligate after large-scale wildfire.  Ecosphere
Schuyler, E.M., Ellsworth, L.M., Sanchez, D.M., Whittaker, D.G. 2021. Forage quality and quantity in migratory and resident summer ranges. Rangeland Ecology and Management.
Schuyler, E. M., K. Dugger, D.H. Jackson. 2018. Effects of distribution, behavior, and climate on mule deer survival. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Schuyler, E. Hagen, C., Dugger, K. 2022.  Habitat recovery after large-scale wildfire leads to mismatch in space use by sagebrush obligate. Pilchuck Audubon Society, virtual.
Schuyler, E., Ellsworth, L., Sanchez, D. Whittacker, D. 2021. Forage Quality and Quantity in Migratory and Resident Mule Deer Summer Ranges. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Deer and Elk Workshop, virtual.
Schuyler, E., Hagen, C., Dugger, K. 2021. Habitat recovery after large-scale wildfire leads to mismatch in space use by sagebrush obligate. Olympic Audubon Society, virtual.
Schuyler, E., Hagen, C., Foster, L., Anthony, C., Dugger, K. 2021. Temporal changes in Greater sage-grouse seasonal habitat selection in response to large-scale wildfire. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, virtual.
Schuyler, E., Ellsworth, L., Sanchez, D. Whittacker, D. 2019. The Influence of Wildfire and Juniper Phase on Winter Habitat Selection Patterns of Mule Deer. The Wildlife Society & American Fisheries Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, NV
Schuyler, E., Ellsworth, L., Sanchez, D. Whittacker, D. 2019. The influence of wildfire and juniper expansion on a landscape species. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Marfa, TX.
Schuyler, E., Ellsworth, L., Sanchez, D. 2019. Resource Use and Summer Nutrition for Mule Deer within the John Day Basin. Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife Mule Deer Symposium, Prineville OR
Schuyler, E., Dugger, K., Jackson, D. 2017. Mule deer population dynamics and the influence of habitat selection. WAFWA Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, ID
Schuyler, E., Dittel, J., Sanchez, D., and Ellsworth, L. 2017. Return of ecosystem resilience: Further investigations on long-term habitat recovery. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pendleton OR

Relevant Work Experience

2021      Assistant District Wildlife Biologist; Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife
2016      Faculty Research Assistant- Northern Spotted Owl Research; Oregon State University
2013      Black-Tailed Deer Technician; Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife
2012      Science Technician II; Washington Department Fish and Wildlife
2011       Population Genetics Researcher and Lab Manager; Rutgers University
2010      Mesocarnivore Crew Lead; Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
2010      Upland Game Bird and Restoration Intern; Tall Timbers Research Station
2009      American Marten Technician; NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
2008      Sage-Grouse Technician; Utah State University



Jorie M. Favreau

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Professor of Wildlife Biology